1. Monday evening, my friend Barb and I went out to dinner for Madison Restaurant Week. We ate The Wise. My three courses included a roasted carrot salad, beet and goat cheese ravioli, and a lemon tart. My favorite part was the salad, which is very unlike me. I am not a salad lover but it was so pretty and tasted just as good!
2. I finished three books already this month! That's like half of what I read all last year!! Two were for my book club, and one was just for me. Promise Not to Tell was a murder/ghost story mystery type book. It was scary. I was not a fan. The Midwife is written by an author who lives in Wisconsin and was raised in the Mennonite community. I wasn't expecting to love it, but it was very, very good. The author is a great storyteller, the characters were compelling, and there were some nice unexpected twists at the end! Finally, Looking for Alaska
is a book that pretty much everyone I know has read. I read it in a few days, and it kept my attention. I thought there were some pretty predictable parts, but it was still very enjoyable. The characters were interesting and I love reading young adult books as a grown-up...it really makes me think a lot more about my kids when they grow up. ;)
3. My mom is coming to visit this weekend and into next week! I am very excited! I am going to take her to my favorite bakery and try to convince her to help me with some sewing projects. ;)
4. Um...only ONE more episode of Parenthood left!! Who watches? This is really the only show that I watch on a regular basis. I love it so much, and I'm prepared to cry for 60 solid minutes next week!!!
5. I haven't gone thrifting in months. I'm not always too keen on the idea of bringing the kiddos with me when I go searching through piles of crap hoping to find one good item. ;) ;) I did take a little trip to Goodwill yesterday while my middlest was at pre-school. I got two picture frames to paint and a lidless blue mason jar. It gave me the itch...now I want to get back out and find MORE treasures! The best part about yesterday - when my husband send me a frantic text saying, "That flower picture is not going in our house, is it?????" Ha. No, honey. Just the frame. ;)