I like to joke about One Little Word - that its's something I think very intently about for exactly 3 days 14 hours and 27 minutes each year...and then just go back to my old wayward decisions ;) I hadn't looked at my goals/word for 2014 in about 10 months. ;) But, in preparation for the big (yet quickly forgotten) post of 2015, I thought I should go back and assess my success. Clearly my alliteration skills have improved this year! Upon rereading last year's post, I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised that for perhaps once in my life, I actually did most of the things I set out to do in 2014. My word last year was ROUTINE, and I was hoping to establish a few routines in very specific areas of life. Here's a recap:
1. Morning/School - I was really nervous this fall with my daughter starting Kindergarten. Her school begins at 7:40, which is stinkin' early for our family! Thankfully, we have fallen into a fantastic routine and have yet to be late to school. This is big from a girl who used to come rolling into work every day at the exact MINUTE I was supposed to arrive. Never early. Sometimes late. Now, I fully admit that the fact that I'm staying home now helps. I don't have to shower in the mornings and get ready like I would if I had a teaching job. I have never worn PJ pants to drop-off, but my hair has looked pretty fabulous some mornings. Things would be a lot more difficult if I were also going to school every day.
2. Quiet Time - this one never really worked out. My middle son refused to take naps, but would fall asleep all over the house when he finally got tired enough. He still falls asleep on his own most afternoons or on the way home from preschool. It works out. I also realize that not napping usually equals and easier bedtime - so I'm not pushing it. ;)
3. Creative Kid Time - This is something we have done a lot of...of course, I'd always like to do more (and include some more "educational" time for my middlest). But overall, we had some fun creative times in the last year!
4. Dinner - I failed at this goal. FAILED. I don't think I made a weekly meal plan once last year. We ate tons of quick meals because it's usually just the kids and I at home for dinner, and it was really hard for me to get up the motivation to make a stellar dinner that nobody would eat. ;) 2015 is going to better...this is one thing I am focusing on for this year!
5. Bedtime - 95.67% of the time bedtime goes well. There have been some doozies when I'm home with all three kids by myself...some nights of the four of us all sleeping in the same bed until I carried the two big kids back to their room. But, I can't complain. Bedtime is usually pretty okay.
6. Me Time - I listed some things in my post last year. I have done most of them. Reading - yes. I joined a book club and have read more this year than the previous three years combined. Scrapbooking - yes. I have been so lucky to be a part a few fabulous design teams that keep me on my toes. I have made more layouts this year than the last couple...and they are layouts that I truly like and enjoy creating! Working out - yes. I am not a worker-outer. Not at all. But, after five years of being a slug, I finally got a gym membership and go a couple times a week. It's not as much as I should go, but it's something. Blogging - not so much. This is something else I want to work on for 2015...but more about that tomorrow (or whenever I have a chance to write the darn post!).
So yes. We have some success. And, as always, there's room for improvement! I haven't chosen a word for 2015 yet...have you? I'd love to hear it...or here how your 2014 word ended up working for you! Happy New Year!