Happy almost Saturday! :) This has been a loooong week. I'm sitting back, watching some Parenthood, and enjoying some pizza and beer! Here is my belated Five for Friday!
1. This has been the most beautiful fall I've ever experienced. I like to think that it's because fall in Wisconsin is just a million times better than fall in Illinois, but I've been told by many people that this is the most vivid fall they can remember in years...so maybe it's not like this every year. (Or...obviously Wisconsin did this just for me...) I admit, I have almost driven off the road numerous times staring at the trees and the colors in the bluffs that I pass every time I go anywhere. They are insanely beautiful. Many of the trees lost their leaves this week...which makes me think of my least favorite season...WINTER. ;)

2. I had my monthly book club last night. This month's book was The Boys in the Boat
. Honestly, I wasn't excited to read this book, nor was I really expecting to enjoy it. However, it was probably the best book I have read this year (other than Eleanor & Park
, which, as I mentioned before, is amazing but on a totally different scale). It's basically the story of the the 1936 Olympic Crew team. It's riveting...seriously. I loved it soooo much. It's not something I would have ever chosen myself, but I'm so happy I read it. You should, too. ;)

3. My newest favorite Instagram account is The Midwestival. They feature photos and stories from the upper Midwest...and anybody that knows me knows that I am fiercely loyal when it comes to my home state and I love that Wisconsin and Minnesota are so prominently featured! I've been lucky to have a couple of photos featured on their Instagram account and I'm loving everything else I see!
4. Have you listened to Serial? After I read a review of this podcast last month I knew I HAD to listen, however I don't really have place or a time to listen to podcasts. My vehicle is old and doesn't have Bluetooth, not to mention that I usually have kids in the car, so that's out. But last weekend on my way to and from St. Louis, I had my husband's car all to myself!! I listened to all of the episodes and I am hooked! Today I actually was so excited to listen to the latest episode that I was outside in my yard raking with one hand and holding my phone listening with the other. Yes, I know I could have found some headphones, but I like to live on the wild side. ;)

5. My buddy Ginny Hughes has been teasing me about my love for everything pumpkin...and she's right...I cannot get enough pumpkin. Yes, I drank the {pumpkin flavored} kool-aid. This week alone we ate pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin strussel bread, pumpkin bread, mini pumpkin pies (again!), pumpkin noosa, pumpkin spice chai, and today my friend brought me some pumpkin beer...the one I was drinking tonight, in fact. Oh, heck yes. ;)

Have a great weekend!