So...I saw a report on The Today Show one morning about how everyone overuses "so" at the beginning of sentences which can "undermine the speaker's credibility." Let's face it - when was I ever credible to begin with? ;) SO...that being said (another probably overused transition!!) I did something I swore I would NEVER do. NEVER EVER. I said. But I did...
I started a Facebook page for my scrapbooking stuff - though probably not for the reasons you think. It has nothing to do with me wanting to promote myself or my scrapbooking. It has everything to do with privacy. In spite of my general love of all things social media (I'm a total Instagram all know it!), I am a pretty fiercely private person. I don't want people knowing where my kids go to school or where they spend their days. It truly scares me how much people share on social media with regards to their children. I know lots of people who tag their home on Instagram...which means that pretty much anyone can drive to their street and find their house. That freaks me out. Now, I am not a dummy. I know that my nemisis Google will probably also let you see exactly where I live, too. But, I'd rather make you search for it than put it right out there for the world to see. SO...I've decided to pare down my Facebook to people I know personally or at least know very well online.
Also, while many of my friends are scrapbookers, the majority of them are actually not (shocking!! I know!!), and I don't always feel comfortable sharing all kinds of scrappy posts on Facebook. Now all the poor non-scrappers don't have to look at a feed full of my scrapbooking-related stuff they don't care about!
If you are one of the people I delete, please don't be offended. I already went through and deleted over 120 people...and there will probably be more as time goes on. I have to admit - it felt good. ;) If you are someone who "knows" me but we aren't Facebook friends, I'd love if you'd follow my page!
SO that's it. This post definitely lived up to it's title. ;) Have a great night.
Over and out.
I'm done now.
I promise.