This week's Ventage Tuesday gives you a peek into our shopping carts!! We are pretty boring shoppers. I was trying to think of some really fun things to show you that we buy, but seriously...we buy the same stuff every time, and it's really not at all exciting!! ;) So, here are five items I buy EVERY time I go to the grocery store...guaranteed! ;)
1. Milk. We buy a ridiculous amount of milk. I think the number one reason I go the store is to buy milk!! Buying organic is something we are pretty serious about in our house. I like the Horizon brand because we have a farmer family friend whose milk goes to Horizon. But, truly, I will buy whatever is the cheapest (shhh!). We send organic milk to daycare with the kiddos, too. Once one of my daughter's teachers asked why we brought "that kind of milk?" She wondered if maybe she just liked it better. I wasn't going to get into it with her... ;)
2. Yogurt. We like dairy in this house. Okay, three of the four of us like dairy. The fourth one is allergic. ;) I usually buy Chobani, the kids get Stoneyfield, and Justin gets Whole Soy. We all eat it!!
3. Three Sisters Oatmeal. I LOVE this stuff. I eat it every morning. Henry loves it, too. The kid eats a whole packet like it's a snack!! Everyone in the family has their favorite flavor...except Miri...who doesn't like it. Weirdo.

4. Good Belly. This is something new that we've been doing for the past few months. ;) Every night Justin and I drink a glass of Good Belly probiotic. I don't know if it's working or not. I prefer to think it is...because sometimes it's got a bit of a nasty aftertaste and gosh darn it...it better be working! ;)

5. Fruit. I admit, we are not the best at eating fresh vegetables in the Spahn household. Frozen, yes. Fresh, not so much. But fruit...we love. We've always got a huge selection of fruit on hand. Grapes, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, pears, and ABBOLS (as Henry says). Unless, of course, we ate it all... ;)

And of course there are all the other staples...bread, eggs, cheese, etc. etc. See...I told you, nothing special at all. If Miri is shopping with us there will sure to be some Pirate's Booty tossed into the cart and maybe some Annie's bunny fruit snacks if she's really lucky! Otherwise, we are pretty boring! To see the (hopefully more exciting) shopping carts of my fellow ventage girls, check out their blogs: Angie, Barb, Katrina, and Stephanie!