About a month ago, the write.click.scrapbook team was asked to contribute layouts for Becky Fleck's May PageMaps. I shyly raised my had to volunteer. You see, sketches kind of terrify me. My style is pretty set in stone, and I can never figure out how to make sketches "my own." Out of the hundreds of layouts I've made, I can truly only remember making three layouts using a sketch...EVER. Oh...and did I mention that the sketch she gave me was a 12x12 sketch...even scarier!!! I don't know that my final layout looks all that much like original, but I'm happy with it! I was very much out of my comfort zone, and it is a very different style of layout than I usually create, but it works! :)
Be sure to check out the fabulous work of my w.c.s. teammates, as well! Have a great day!